Division of Campus Life
Student Accessibility Services

Note Taking Assistance

Many students require assistance with note taking in order to access classroom instruction. Student Accessibility Services (SAS) provides many modalities of technology and support for note taking.

Note Taking/Recording Tools

Recognizing the need for student independence, skill improvement and the challenges of remote learning, SAS now primarily provides approved students with a robust note taking/recording tools, rather than relying on peer note takers. We are offering students access to the Glean note taking software. Glean records and visualizes audio, so students can insert tags and type in notes that are synchronized with the audio. Outside of class, students can then go back to check and improve notes. The software provides increased involvement and flexibility as well as the ability to improve the quality of course notes, leading to better learning.

More About Glean and Assistive Technology

Should a student feel they are unable to utilize Glean effectively, we will work with them and consider other options. We are always glad to meet and discuss other options, including in person note takers, if for some reason note taking software or technology does not meet the student’s needs.

If you have any questions, need assistance in creating a Glean account, or would like to discuss alternative note taking needs, please let us know and we will meet with you to discuss other note taking options. You can contact SAS through email or via phone during our business hours, Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5pm.

Eligibility for Peer Note Providers:

SAS has limited ability to monitor the note providing process. If you run into any problems, no longer need notes or you drop a course, please email us right away so that we can solve your problem, or if you are the only student receiving notes for a class we can notify the note provider that notes are no longer needed.

Instructions for Requesting and Downloading Notes

Logging Into SAS Online

  1. Go to the SAS Online web portal
  2. Click on the Course-Notes link.
  3. Authenticate to log in and then.
  4. Click on Courses / Notes to see a list of your classes and available notes.

Requesting Notes Online

  1. On the Courses page make sure the correct semester is indicated.
  2. Select the “Change This” link to change the setting from No to Yes (Only those courses that you have been approved by SAS to receive peer notes)
  3. Select OK to “Please confirm that you require a Note provider…” (Do this only for courses where you need notes.)

Please note that if you request a peer note taker without first reaching out to SAS and reviewing your documentation and needs, you will be directed to open a Glean account first.

Downloading Lecture Notes

In the portal, in your main Courses list, there will be a list of all your courses where notes have been requested. If a note provider has not yet been assigned for a class, after the “My Lecture Notes” column it will indicate “N/A”. For classes where a note provider has been assigned, there will be a Notes button to download notes. If no notes are available, selecting the Notes button will show the notes list indicating “There are no notes currently available for download.” If notes are available in a class, they will be listed by submission date.

  • Select "View notes" to download the notes file.
  • Select "View download history" to see any previous notes you have already accessed.
  • Select "Back to courses" to return to the course list page.
  • Select "Logout" to exit the SAS Online notes portal.

Contact Us

Please contact SAS with any questions or concerns.