Division of Campus Life
Student Accessibility Services

Getting Around Campus

Campus tours, designated handicapped parking spots, the Access Shuttle for mobility assistance and local wheelchair rental options are available for getting around Brown's campus.

Campus Tours and Information Sessions

Accessible campus tours are available. Please contact Admission directly to request one: (401) 863-2378 or by visiting the Admission website.

Accessible Parking

Accessible street parking is available throughout the campus and can be used by anyone with a valid state handicapped hang tag. Please consult our campus accessibility map to identify those spots. For more information about accessible parking for visitors and students, please visit the Transportation Office.


Access Shuttle

The Access Shuttle provides point-to-point rides within the campus for people with mobility concerns of any kind. The Access Shuttle runs during the day and connects with the safeRIDE on Call Shuttle in the evening. Service is limited during the summer and breaks. Please call (401) 225-9572 to schedule a same-day ride. More information can be found on the Access Shuttle webpage.

Wheelchair Rental Information

Wheelchairs are not available on campus but there are local companies that will rent and deliver wheelchairs at reasonable rates including but not limited to the following:


Additional Information

Brown University has an accessibility map that provides information about navigating the campus and accessing its facilities.
The Access Shuttle at Brown is a scheduled point-to-point accessible shuttle service that runs daily.